Oracle Community for Security, Europrivacy, and Clusit are waiting for us at Security Summit. The third day of the most important Italian Security conference is in fact dedicated to GDPR.
After the plenary session dedicated to a comparison between Italy and other European countries moderated by the President of Clusit Gabriele Faggioli, I invite you to the session in sala ASIA B where I have the pleasure to moderate 8 experts discussing the status of the projects in place to achieve compliance. During the session, we will have an online survey that will be used to feed the discussion.
These are the experts: Gabriele Faggioli (Clusit), Paolo Capozuca (Alfagroup), Enrico Ferretti (Protiviti), Filomena Polito (APIHM), Stefano Rinauro (Polizia di Stato), Alessandro Crepaldi (Banca Popolare di Sondrio), Corrado Salvemini (Carrefour), Alessandro Cosenza (Bticino)
Oracle Community for Security continues in the afternoon with two more sessions: “GDPR e digital trust” with Guglielmo Troiano (P4I), Igor Marcolongo (Infocert) and Giancarlo Colla (Oracle ACS); and privacy nel continuo with Maria Roberta Perugini (Studio Legale Jacobacci Associati).
Security Summit is in Milano, March 13th – 15th and is free. To participate see
Oracle Community for security organizes also other sessions (not related to GDPR) in the previous days. More information here: