Risposta perWhen will this regulation be approved?

di | 15 December 2015

On 17 December, 2015 the LIBE Committee (European Parliament) voted and approved the draft Regulation as issued after the interinstitutional negotiations (the so called Trilogue Meetings).
On Friday Dec 18, 2015 the Coreper II Committee (Council of the European Union) confirmed the compromise texts.
Next steps:
1) The compromise texts should be approved as “Council’s first reading position”.
2) “Council’s first reading position” should be accepted without amendments in Parliament’s second reading.
So final adoption will take a few more months.
Remeber that the new Regulation will become fully applicable two years after the final adoption (maybe spring 2018).
For a detailed description of the Ordinaly Legislative Procedure have a look to my post ‘Overview of roadmap for General Data Protection Regulation‘.


Informazioni su Biagio Lammoglia

Biagio Lammoglia is a freelancer as a Compliance & Privacy Officer since 2014. For the previous sixteen years he had been working with a retail company, first as a Technical and Infrastuctured Manager and then as a Security and Compliance Officer, providing guidance in security strategy, policies and privacy issue. He is a graduate of the University of Milan in Computer Science (formally Laurea in Scienze dell'Informazione) and member of CLUSIT (Associazione Italiana per la Sicurezza Informatica) as well as member of FederPrivacy (Federazione Italiana della Privacy).