di | 28 February 2016

Segnalo questo interessante articolo che spiega perchè Apple ha ragione :



Categoria: Open Forum Privacy by Design Tag: , , , , , , , , ,

Informazioni su Agostino Oliveri

Agostino Oliveri Data Protection Officer – Privacy Consultant e Auditor Certificated (Num. Reg. DPO 1529 secondo gli standard UNI CEI EN ISO IEC 17024:2012 e 17065:2012 e disciplinato ai sensi legge 4/2013) We work mainly in the field of IT SECURITY with the provision of services and solutions to some penetration testing and security baseline. We provide consultancy to achieve the adjustments required under the law in the area of ​​security of data processed by computer equipment, law 196/2003 (the new Privacy Code undergoing change), law 231/2001 (protection from company computer crimes), adaptation of security bodies to DM 1.12.2010 num. 269, preparation of the feasibility study and business continuity plan in accordance with Article. 50-bis of the Administrative Code digital support for all matters related to the DL 33/2013 on Transparency and L. 190/2012 Anticorruption, we offer consultancy for achieving quality certification according to ISO 9001 and safety according to ISO 27001 certification for information and services for STAR mode CLOUD COMPUTING. I think the significant experience gained with multinational companies has allowed us to achieve a certification of expertise in some areas and very important issues and I think it can be a path to significant and important to share. Then in the light of the many regulatory changes that will have a very important impact on companies, I believe we need a prudent approach and prior verification and certification of existing solutions adopted in order to avoid incurring heavy fines in addition to the guarantee of safety of its corporate assets.

Un pensiero su “FBI vs APPLE

  1. Sergio Fumagalli

    Il tema è rilevante. Non sono d’accordo né con Apple né con le argomentazioni riportate nell’articolo citato e pubblicherò un post per sostenere questo punto di vista.
    Nel frattempo segnalo l’intervento in merito del Presidente dell’Autorità Garante Antonello Soro rintracibaile al seguente indirizzo http://www.garanteprivacy.it/web/guest/home/docweb/-/docweb-display/docweb/4710683
    Lo spessore del tema richiede un opportuno approfndimento.

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