(English) General Data Protection Regulation, a complete link collection

di | 1 December 2015

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Informazioni su Guglielmo Troiano

Lawyer in Milan, Senior Legal Consultant at Partners4Innovation (Digital360 Group), with a technical background coming from being an IT Analyst for several years before practicing law. Currently advises companies, mostly software houses and ISPs, regarding civil liability, IP negotiation, ICT contracts, competition, trademarks, domain names, data protection (privacy) and IT security, on both transactional and litigation aspects. From 2009 to 2014 he worked as scholar at University of Milan, chair of Legal Informatics, where he did lectures for students and attendees of Post-Graduate Course in Digital Forensics, Privacy, Cloud e Cyber Warfare (edition 2014). He was partner of Array, a high specialized law firm in IT law.

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