Addio Safe Harbour, benvenuto Privacy Shield

di | 3 February 2016

Il Safe Harbor, dichiarato invalido lo scorso ottobre dalla Corte di Giustizia dell’UE, sarà presto sostituito dallo EU-US Privacy Shield.

“For the first time ever, the United States has given the EU binding assurances that the access of public authorities for national security purposes will be subject to clear limitations, safeguards and oversight mechanisms” ha commentato il Commissario Věra Jourová nella press release di ieri.

Non altrettanto soddisfatto Joe McNamee, Executive Director dello European Digital Rights (EDRI), che ha dichiarato: “The emperor is trying on a new set of clothes. Today’s announcement means that European citizens and businesses on both sides of the Atlantic face an extended period of uncertainty while waiting for this new stop-gap solution to fail.”

Il nuovo accordo si fonda su tre pilastri:

• forti obblighi per le società che trattano dati personali di cittadini europei 

• chiare salvaguardie e obblighi di trasparenza in materia di accesso ai dati da parte del governo americano

• effettiva protezione dei diritti dei cittadini UE come richiesto dalla Corte di giustizia

Ieri il Collegio della Commissione UE ha dato mandato al Vicepresidente Ansip e al Commissario Jourová di predisporre, nelle prossime settimane, una bozza di “adequacy decision” che potrebbe poi essere adottata dal Collegio dopo aver ottenuto il parere positivo da parte del Gruppo dell’Article 29 Working Party e previa consultazione di un comitato composto dai rappresentanti degli Stati membri. Nel frattempo, gli Stati Uniti provvederanno a predisporre le necessarie misure per porre in essere il nuovo framework ed i relativi meccanismi di controllo.

EU press release

Categoria: Legal framework Tag: , , , ,

Informazioni su Andrea Longhi

Over 25 years of experience in consultancy, full dedicated within Finance, Entertainment, Transportation and Energy & Utilities industries, plus initial 5 years in an industrial automation and supervision firm. Along my professional career the experience in leading consulting firms such as Deloitte, Arthur Andersen and Capgemini has allowed me to acquire a consolidated and strong experience in the field of Security & Compliance services and to develop strong core skills: leadership, management, business development, sales and delivery. Many years of collaboration with Clusit, CSA and Enisa on topics related to enterprise security & compliance. Moderator of roundtables on security and speaker at conferences. Collaborating with the Oracle Community for Security to the planning, preparation and presentation of researches and projects on security and privacy, during the Security Summit. Founder of ConsAL, company specialized on Security and Business Discovery services, I collaborate with leading consulting firms as a business developer and management consultant in the field of ICT/ICS Security, Fraud, Compliance and Quality Management and Business Discovery.

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