GDPR: Rendere il mondo un posto migliore?

di | 10 December 2015

Discorso all’evento “EU Data Protection 2015 Regulation Meets Innovation”

San Francisco, 8 dicembre 2015

Giovanni Buttarelli

Categoria: Legal framework Open Forum Tag: ,

Informazioni su Francesca Gatti

At the end of a working life dedicated to the Information Systems in multinational companies, I have found the shares of a start up of medical industry, specializied in technologically advanced devices for the prosthetic. Here I set the Quality Management System and obtained certification ISO9001 and ISO13485 and completed an important Call of the Lombardy Region and the Ministry of Education on a project of technological medical innovation. At the same time I continue to advise on projects of Quality, Security and Governance of Information Systems. CISA since 2006 and CIGIT 2008, I’m member of the AUSED Executive Council and coordinator of the Security and Compliance Observatory.

2 pensieri su “GDPR: Rendere il mondo un posto migliore?

  1. Alessandro Vallega

    Thank you Francesca. I really like the incipit:

    First, with or without the GDPR, for all sectors of society and the economy, data
    protection has become more serious than ever before.

    Second, with or without the GDPR, data protection has gone, is going, and will
    continue to go truly global.

  2. Dominick Leiweke

    It’s moving on! The agreement between Parliament and Council has been reached and timings are looking more and more realistic.

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