UNINFO – Profili professionali relativi alla Privacy

di | 4 October 2015

Martedi 13 ottobre ore 14.00 c/o Agid a Roma in via Listz 21 avrà luogo la prima riunione a porte aperte per avviare i lavori di normazione sui profili professionali collegati a questo importante contesto.

Qualora vogliate partecipare è gradita una semplice conferma di partecipazione da inviare direttamente alla Segreteria UNINFO (salsano@uninfo.it).

Un saluto a tutti,


Categoria: Data Protection Officer Legal framework Privacy by Design

Informazioni su fguasconi

Graduated in computer science, he’s been working for 10+ years within information security consulting, focusing on risk assessment, security and compliance management using international standards. Certified CISA, CISM, ITIL and ISFS, he is a qualified ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC 27001 auditor, having edited the Italian translations of the latter standard. Coauthor of the CLUSIT handbooks on PCI-DSS and on professional certifications, is an active QSA and a regular presence into events and publications on information security. Chairs the Italian ISO/IEC SC27 of UNINFO and sits in its board of directors, as for CLUSIT. He is a co-founder and president of the consulting firm BL4CKSWAN S.r.l.

2 pensieri su “UNINFO – Profili professionali relativi alla Privacy

  1. fguasconi Autore articolo

    This work is preliminary to the production of any draft. Possibly early drafts will possibly be available after the beginning of 2016 to the registered participants of the working group.

    Fabio GUASCONI

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