Social Spam & Marketing

By | Friday December 1st, 2017

In the NEWSLETTER N. 435 del 29 novembre 2017

the Italian Autority point attention on a type of questions that are often made to me during courses and / or conferences, id est if and within what limits it is possible to use the e-mail addresson socialfor marketing purposes.

Our Autority reminds us that “if an email address is present on a social network does not mean that it can be freely used for any purpose” and that “to send commercial proposals, for example, recipients’ consent is always necessary” (see also Guidelines of July 4, 2013 concerning the “social spam”); in fact, it is crucial the purpose for which the subject concerned freely entered his data.

The Italian Autority in the newsletter ut supra confirms that the data collected on social networks and more generally online can’t be freely used by those who access the profile that the social purpose is, in most cases, the sharing of information and the development of professional contacts, which is not compatible with the marketing of products and services

This is in line with the caims of the European Privacy Authorities, who have ruled that the registration of a service on the web involves the legitimacy of the processing of personal data by other participants on the same platform for the purposes of ‘ sending commercial information.

To conclude, it is essential to remember that it is not possible to carry out marketing activities on social data, the rule for which “promotional messages sent to users of social networks are generally subject to the Code’s discipline, and , in particular, to art. 3, 11, 13, 23 and 130 »; (see Guidelines 4 July 2013, section 6.1, “Social Spam”)

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About laura.marretta

Avv. Laura Marretta Dopo aver conseguito la Maturità Classica presso l’Istituto Marcelline di Milano e la Laurea in Giurisprudenza presso l’Univeristà Cattolica del Sacro Cuore diventa Avvocato del Foro di Milano ed è Partner dello Studio Legale Internazionale Romolotti Marretta dal 2006. Svolge la propria attività professionale con particolare riferimento ai settori della Privacy e Data Security, Tutela del Segreto Industriale, Diritto della Moda, Energy, e Sistemi di Organizzazione Aziendale (normative UNI CEI ed ISO) nonché in ambito di Certificazioni e Marcatura CE. Svolge il ruolo di DPO presso enti associativi di rilevanza nazionale nonché per conto di società del settore industriale e dei servizi. E’ relatrice presso corsi e convegni sul territorio nazionale, con specifico riferimento ai settori della privacy e della video security. Collabora in pubblicazioni nazionali ed internazionali ( tra le quali numerose edizioni annuali di Doing Business edito dalla World Bank Maturità Classica at Istituto Marcelline of Milan, Graduated in Law at Univeristà Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Attorney at Law of the Milan Bar, is a Partner of Romolotti Marretta International Law Firm since 2006. Her professional activity is focused on Privacy and Data Security, Trade Secret Protection, Fashion Law, Energy Law, Enterprise Organization (UNI CEI and ISO standards), Certification and CE mark. She is DPO in associations at national level and companies of the industrial and services areas. Speaker at seminars and conferences with specific reference to privacy and videosecurity law, she is a contributor in national and international publications, included several editions of Doing Business edited by World Bank (

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